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Friday, October 27, 2017

Halloween Decorations Ideas

Halloween Decorations

Last year for Halloween I made up a list of things to do for Halloween night, whether you’re spending it alone, with friends, or even planning a party.  This year, I figured I’d continue the list with some of my personal favorite decorations, perfect for whatever you’re planning to do this year!  Can’t have a perfect Halloween season without some proper spooky atmosphere in your home!  So if you’re looking for some horror-fan-approved decorations, look no further!

(I realize this list is coming out a bit late and may not be the most useful now but... ideas for next year, I guess?)

Bought Decorations
I’ll start off with some of my store-bought favorites, for when you’d rather spend more time decorating than making the decorations but still want a good-looking, questionably haunted home:
  • In My Veins Blood Dispenser: Because who wants to use a boring old punch bowl when you can use an IV drip?!
  • Fridge Door Cover: I mean, you keep severed heads in your fridge too…. Right?
  • Spider Webs: A basic, but a necessity.  Don’t forget the giant, fluffy spiders!  You can find both at just about any store during the season, too. (I quite like the blood-splattered webs)
  • Caution Tape: Wrap around your door, across the walls, and definitely around door frames!  Can also be found at a lot of places around the season.
  • Fog Machine: Always a great touch for additional outside spookiness and easy to find at a local Walmart.  Fog machine and strobe light combo is too OP.

Homemade Decorations
Sometimes store-bought decorations just don’t quite do the trick (or are WAY too expensive) and you need, or want, to get a bit craftier with your decorations.  Sometimes it’s more fun to make your own, personal spooks.  Here are some of my favorites from around the internet:
  • Candy Bowl Holder: When you need your candy bowl to match the rest of your décor!  This is a neat idea to both decorate and keep your candy in an easy to reach spot.
  • Halloween Bouquet: These would look rad any time of year but they’re especially fitting for the Halloween season.
  • Cardboard Tombstones: A bit of a bigger project to tackle, but looks like a lot of fun to make and a great alternative to the impersonal store-bought option

Of course, every good Halloween season needs fitting music so here are some of my favorite songs from my own Halloween Playlist.  A lot of these artists have a ton of damn good Halloween or Spook-themed music so I suggest taking a look through the rest of their works, as well, if you need more:

Hope you found something useful and, as always, I wish you all a

Happy, Spooky Halloween!

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