The Search

Spoiler Warnings!

Spoiler Warnings:
Full reviews found on this blog will most likely be very spoiler-heavy. I highly suggest reading/watching the media in question before reading a full review.
-You have been Warned

About Me

Hello All,

And Welcome.

Here on this blog you'll find horrors of all elements.  Anime, Manga, Movies, Books, Video Games, and Creepypastas, I do it all!  Every form of horror that interests me can and will be found here in the form of my review and opinion of each.  There'll be lists of my favorites, my recommendations, discussions about sequels, plenty of opinionated ranting, and more.

I hope you find something enjoyable here that keeps bringing you back.

A Bit About Me:
I'm a horror-fan, through-and-through, having grown up with everything from Child's Play and Nightmare on Elm Street to The Ring to the latest of Creepypastas.  I have a love of all things horror, grotesque, and blood-curling.  I'm a writer, an artist, a crocheter, and a gamer, a jack-of-all-trades with an endless sea of interests, but my heart finds the most comfort in the disturbing world of unsettling imagery and fear-inducing stories.

Dive into the world of Horror with me, and let us explore what the world has to offer.