The Search

Spoiler Warnings!

Spoiler Warnings:
Full reviews found on this blog will most likely be very spoiler-heavy. I highly suggest reading/watching the media in question before reading a full review.
-You have been Warned

Rating System

Little Blog of Horrors Rating System

    • 5 - Don't Expect To Sleep/Instant Fav
    • 4 - Nightmare Fuel
    • 3 - Chills
    • 2 - Meh/Not Bad, Not Good
    • 1 - Forgettable
    • 0 - Rage Inducing
    • X - Watch It For Comedy

To help better define exactly where each form of media falls in my opinion, this is the rating scale I'll be using for everything I review.  The highest rating possible are things that have actually kept me up at night, not wanting to sleep and became instant favorites.  The lowest possible rating are things that do nothing but incite rage in how awful they are or just have to be viewed as comedy to get anything but rage out of.

I'd also like to place a disclaimer on this page, as well.

Everything posted on this blog and everything written in each of the reviews are entirely based on my own opinions.  Most of mine will probably be the less popular opinion on things and I'm aware of that, which means I'm aware that there'll probably be a lot of people who disagree with me.  That's fine.  However, I'd just like you all to remember that this is my blog and my opinions.  I won't tolerate flame wars.